Thirsting for God

Living in mountains has been a new experience for me. The elevation, the dry climate, the snow, etc. are all things that will never be found in south east Texas. I grew up on the coast about 45 minutes from the beach, and 30 minutes from Louisiana and there was certainly no shortage of humidity. Moving to Colorado has been the exact opposite of what I grew up with. One of the things I notice most is how much water I have to drink here! It seems like I’m constantly chugging water to stay hydrated, and fight off headaches. I always feel so thirsty!

David, in the Bible had a similar experience when he was running from King Saul in the wilderness of Israel. He ran through the mountains, and valleys, and desserts of the dry land trying to escape death. During that time, he penned a Psalm about his relationship with God, but used some of the imagery that he saw during his time in the wilderness.

“O God, You are my God; earnestly I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; my flesh faints for You, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”

— Psalm 63:1

It’s pretty crazy to think about how David felt while running through the desert. He was exhausted, weary, dried out, and fainting. But what is even more remarkable is to see the way David longed for that close relationship with God during that time.

When is the last time you felt like you were thirsting for something spiritual? Have you ever found yourself longing to open your Bible? Have you ever found yourself weary and without spiritual food? Our mindset ought to be that of David’s that says, “My soul thirsts for You; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” Come to God, the water of life that will quench your thirst forever!

— Kolton Ballance