Are you teachable? (part 2)

In the last article we looked at some barriers that keep us from being teachable. To be teachable means to be willing to learn, even when it challenges what you've always known. In this article I want to look at HOW we can make ourselves more teachable.

Be Humble.

First and foremost, if we are going to be teachable, we've got to practice humility. We've got to be humble enough to accept that we don't know it all! If we can't accept that simple fact, then we will never be teachable. This is why humility is so often talked about in the Bible - because it is key to being a disciple of Jesus. James said, "Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord and He will exalt you" (James 4:10). We can't be true disciples and not be humble. Humility is a key to being teachable.

Be a Student.

A student is someone who studies. If we are going to be teachable, we have to actually be taught. It doesn't do any good to have the willingness to learn, but never actually sit down and learn. Peter said "Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). Someone who is teachable must also be someone who is growing in knowledge. They must be a student of God and His word.

Be a Seeker.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:7, "Seek and you will find." Jesus wanted people to be "seekers." A seeker is someone who is looking for truth, and looking for answers to their questions. A seeker is someone who is not only humble enough to say they don't have all the answers, they're not only a student who wants to learn, but they're the kind of person who seeks out those answers. They knock on the door looking for answers. They ask questions looking for answers. If we're going to be teachable we must learn to seek out truth.

- Kolton Ballance