The Battle in Your Heart

Warfare is interesting. Two sides go up against each other and fight until a winner emerges. It’s an interesting thing thats been going on for as long as people can remember. There are a number of factors that determine the winner of a particular battle. Some say there is strength in numbers. Some say its all about strategy. Some chalk up a win to the meanest fighting machines despite numbers or strategy. But not every battle is won by sheer force, or strategy, or numbers. Some battles are won by one person with the simple act of making a choice. The battle I’m referring to is the battle within yourself — the battle of your heart.

Everyday, you face a battle. Its not a battle of guns, bows and arrows, or swords. Its a spiritual battle. Paul said in Ephesians 6:12, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Paul wanted his readers to see the spiritual warfare going on in their hearts and minds. Everyday, the god of this world (Satan) is fighting against the Lord God of heaven to win over your heart. The best part about this battle, is that you decide who wins!

No amount of weaponry can help you in this battle. It doesn’t matter how many people you take up with you to fight this battle. It doesn’t matter what your strategy is. It doesn’t even matter how strong you are. What it all comes down to is the choice that you make. Everyday when you wake up Satan is at work to win you over. But at the same time, the God of heaven is at work to win you over. They are battling it out in your heart. They are scratching and fighting tooth and nail to win your heart over. On one hand, its encouraging too know that the God of heaven is fighting for you. But on the other hand, it’s scary to think that the devil is fighting just as hard to win you over.

The beauty in this is that the devil can’t win you over on his own. At the same time, neither can God win you over on His own. You have to choose who will win. You have to choose who you will let rule the battlefield. You have to choose to let God win or to let Satan win. Everyday, when you wake up, and with every decision you make you have to choose who is going to win the battle of your heart. It is completely up to you. So, the question is, who will it be — The God of heaven or the god of this world?

Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve…” (Joshua 24:15).

— Kolton Ballance