Leviticus: The Graveyard of Bible Reading Plans

If you started a Bible reading plan at the beginning of the year, you are likely preparing to get to Leviticus in the next few weeks. Leviticus has been the dreaded book of Bible reading plans - the graveyard where most people’s yearly readings die. There is no doubt that Leviticus can be a mundane list of do’s and don’ts for Old Testament worship. However, I want to offer a few ways to read Leviticus that may help you through it.

1. Look for the reasons.

One of the easiest things to do in reading Leviticus is gloss over the details. BUT God put those details their for a reason. Look for reason’s God gives His people for all of these details, and within those reasons you will find little glimmers of gold about who our God us, how His people should approach Him, and the way He longs for a relationship with His people. Look for these little bits of wisdom as you read Leviticus.

2. Try to be a Jew.

One of the most beneficial things you can do when reading Leviticus, is to put yourself in their shoes (or sandals). Try to imagine what it would be like having to offer one of your animals to approach God. Try to imagine what people thought when they saw you walking across camp with a goat heading towards the tabernacle (I’m sure people gossiped then too). Try to imagine the communal meals shared in fellowship with God. It can be a fun, and insightful way to read the book of Leviticus if you can read it as a jew.

3. Look for the beauty of Christianity.

When reading Leviticus, try to notice how great a treasure Christianity is. Many of the things in Leviticus pertain to priests and high priests going to God on behalf of the people. Try to think about how wonderful it is that we don’t need someone to go to God for us anymore. In Christianity, we are all priests, and we have one High Priest, that is Jesus. All of the things the priests did for the people, we can now do for ourselves because of our Lord Jesus. Look for those little treasures and more in Leviticus.

-Kolton Ballance