4 Ways to Grow in Your Faith

Growing in our faith is something that Jesus wants us to do. He doesn’t want us to remain as “newborn babies” forever, but rather wants us to develop and grow into a stronger, more mature Christian. The big question is “how do I do that?”

Here are 3 things that I believe can help:


When we spend time with the world, we become more like the world. When we spend time with Christians, we become more like those Christians. Paul said, “Don’t be deceived, bad company corrupts good morals” (1 Corinthians 15:33). The opposite of that is also true. Good company can strengthen your good morals. The more time you spend around Christians, the more you will be molded by those Christians.


Reading your Bible connects us to the very mind and heart of God. It reveals to us His character. But it also reveals to us the kind of character He expects of us. Reading your Bible can strengthen you in ways you never imagined. It can encourage you. It can challenge you. But it also educates us on who we are, who God is, and how we ought to live for Him. Peter said, “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). The more time you spend reading your Bible, the more you will understand our place in creation, and the nature of the creator.


Sin is the one thing that pulls us further from God. It creeps into our lives and corrupts us from the inside out. One of the greatest ways to grow in your faith is to find out what sins in your life are pulling you further from God, and target them. Paul said, “Lay aside the old self which is being corrupted” (Ephesians 4:22). Take concentrated efforts to rid of those things until they are gone. Targeting those specific sins will boost your confidence in the Lord, strengthen your self-control, and draw you closer and closer to Jesus. Don’t try to rid of all of them at once, but take one at a time and focus your efforts on getting rid of that one thing that is pulling you from the Lord.


Sometimes when we pray, it’s a canned prayer. It’s something we’ve heard someone else pray, or repeating the same thing we always say. Try praying “real prayers.” I’m not suggesting others are fake prayers, but im saying to be real with God. Express your real emotions. Express your deepest desires. Express your heart and your mind and your soul to God. Jesus told a story about a tax collector who poured out his heart to God and the Lord heard His prayer (Luke 18:10-14). By doing this, God will become a close friend, and one you confide in day after day.

-Kolton Ballance