Baptism - Can it be done wrong?

This question often arises after studying what the Bible says about baptism. Because there is so much confusion about baptism in the religious world, many people don’t know if they’ve done it the way the Bible says to do it. The short answer to the question, “Can I be baptized wrong?” is yes! In Acts 19:1-5 Paul encountered some men who had been baptized wrong, and he ordered them to be re-baptized for the correct reasons. Here are a few examples of baptism done wrong:

1. People who are not immersed in water are baptized wrong.

As we’ve seen in previous articles, the Biblical picture of baptism is always an immersion in water (Acts 8:38-39; Romans 6:4; Colossians 2:12). If the baptism described in the Bible is immersion, then the correct way to be baptized today is immersion. If you were baptized in some other way (sprinkling, pouring, etc) then you have not been baptized the way the Bible says to be baptized.

2. People who are baptized as babies are baptized wrong.

Another point made in previous articles is that baptism is not for innocent babies. Many baptize babies because they believe that children are born sinful. But the Bible teaches that children are innocent (Matthew 19:14; Romans 7:9). There is also never an instance in the Bible where a baby was baptized. If you were baptized as a baby, then you have not been baptized the way the Bible says to be baptized.

3. People who are baptized for the wrong reasons are baptized wrong.

The first few articles shared on baptism were all about the purpose of baptism. Baptism is for the forgiveness of sins, entry into the church, and to receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38, 41). There are some who believe baptism is for those who have already been saved. However, every time someone in the Bible is baptized it was in order to be saved. If you were baptized for some reason other than to be forgiven of your sins, to be added to the church, and too receive the Holy Spirit, then you were not baptized in the way the Bible says to be baptized.

If you have not been baptized correctly, I encourage you to be baptized correctly today! Don’t put it off any longer. The only thing standing between you and heaven is a little water.

“Why do you delay? Arise and be baptized, washing away your sins.” (Acts 22:16)

— Kolton Ballance