New Year - New Commitments

New Years has traditionally been a time of change. It follows the holiday season where we all ate too much food, lost our routines, and slacked off in our commitments. Every year when January 1st rolls around, we take the opportunity to start over and make new commitments. We start new gym memberships, workout routines, diets, and all kinds of other commitments. But what about spiritual commitments? What can you commit to spiritually in the new year? Here are a few things you can try:


Commit to pray at least once a day. Give thanks to God for the blessings of the day, ask for help with the things you need help with, and pray for the people around you.

Bible Reading.

Commit to read your Bible at least once per day. Find a time in the day when you have the freedom to read a chapter or two in your Bible. You can follow a reading plan, or just a pick a book to read through.

Church Attendance.

Commit to be in regular attendance at worship services. If you have been missing, there is no better time to come back than now! You can also commit to be in regular attendance in Bible Classes. Our Bible studies are designed to help you grow. The new year would be a great time to get started in coming to Bible Classes.

Daily Christian Living.

Commit to find at least one thing you can do everyday to walk right with God. Wether its keeping a Christian attitude, practicing self- control, fleeing from temptation, spending more time with christians, or serving others. Find a way each day to walk closer with God.

The new year is as good a time as any to start new commitments. Will you make some spiritual commitments in 2023 to walk closer with God and His people? Will you grow in your faith, and walk in the new year. I challenge you to make new commitments with us!

— Kolton Ballance