The Asbury Revival (part 1)

On February 8, 2023 (a few weeks ago) at a chapel service held at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky students gathered for their normally scheduled chapel. After the chapel service there were about 20 students that lingered around to  continue to pray and worship together. The longer they prayed, the more students gathered to join them…then faculty joined in…then more students joined in… and it became this large worship and prayer gathering. This “revival” is still going on to this day, and has spread to be well over 1,500 people crammed into this chapel and the yard outside is full of the same thing. Thousands upon thousands of people gathered to pray and worship God. This revival is not just isolated to Wilmore, Kentucky, but has spread to other parts of the nation as well. Samford University, Texas A&M, Lee University, and many others across the nation have started their own revival of sorts.

For many of us who see these things happening, we look at them with criticism in mind, with doubts about their sincerity, and some even rebuke for not teaching truth or worshipping correctly. However, consider what is going on. Our entire nation has been stormed by a wave of spirituality. Everyone is talking about God right now! We have prayed for the last few years for a spiritual awakening in this country. We have prayed for people to turn their hearts to God. We have prayed for the wicked of this nation to fall, and the spiritual to come forth. Perhaps God is stirring around in our nation as we speak…

Right now the Lord’s church has a unique opportunity to step up and be the voice of truth in the midst of this revival. We have the unique opportunity to stand up and point people to the words of scripture to guide them into a true revival. The real question is “are we doing that?” Are we going into the world of those who are looking for spiritual depth and pointing them to the Bible? Are we telling those who are looking for God to look for Him in His word? We have an opportunity RIGHT NOW to share the good news of Jesus with people who are thinking about spiritual matters. Will you tell someone today?

— Kolton Ballance

Where are you planted?

Everyone is planted somewhere. When you look around at your surroundings, at your lifestyle, at the things that take up your time and energy, what do you see? In Psalm 1 the writer says:

“How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the Lord. And in His law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither and in whatever he does he prospers…”

This psalm shows us where not to be planted, and where to be planted. He says we need to keep from planting ourselves in the counsel of the wicked, and in the path of sinners, and in the seat of scoffers. But rather we need plant ourselves in the law of the Lord, and meditate on it day and night. He then gives an illustration of a tree that is firmly planted by streams of water whose leaves will not wither and he says the one who delights in the law of the Lord will be like this tree.

Everybody is planted somewhere. When you look at your surroundings, what do you see? Are you someone who is standing in the path of sinners? Do you walk with the wicked? Are you sitting in the seat of scoffers? What you surround yourself with will impact your spiritual tree. Your spiritual tree will wither and fade, and get weeds and rot away if you’re not planted in the right place. On the other hand, if you plant yourself in the law of the Lord, and in Godly things, with Godly surroundings. Your spiritual tree will blossom, and grow, and never wither away.

So I ask you, where are you planted? Who you surround yourself with, what you spend your time focusing on, and what you fill your life with will impact your spiritual tree. Are you withering away, or thriving in bloom?

— Kolton Ballance